EULAC PerMed Upcoming Events

In Madrid – November 7-8, 2019

The first edition of the EULAC PerMed ‘Summer School’, organised by the EULAC PerMed consortium in collaboration with the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), will be held in Madrid, Spain from November 7 to 8, 2019.

The Summer School aims to share insights on the main areas of personalised medicine (PM) research; to support the creation of research networks between European Union (EU) and Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) countries; and to improve the multidisciplinary approach in this research field. 

The EULAC PerMed Summer School is open to participants from all EU and LAC countries. Participants will be selected through an application-based process. The Summer School is free of charge and the EULAC PerMed project will award a travel grant to six participants from the LAC region. 

In Montevideo – December 9-13, 2019

A series of three events will take place in Montevideo, Uruguay in December 2019. 

December 9-10 – Summer School on ‘Health Technology Assessment Research on Personalised Medicine’

This second edition of the EULAC PerMed Summer School will address challenges in HTA regulation and personalised medicine. The Summer School is free-of-charge and open to 20 LAC and EU participants who will be evaluated and admitted on a competitive basis. A limited number of travel grants will also be provided. 

December 11-12 – Stakeholder workshop on ‘Building bridges in Personalised Medicine between Latin America, the Caribbean and the EU’ 

This workshop will focus on exploring the landscape of PM in LAC countries and the current challenges, barriers and needs and opportunities for strengthening collaboration with Europe.

It will gather LAC and EU actors from different stakeholder groups: health policymakers and funding agencies, R&I policymakers and funding agencies, regional/international organisations active in health research and policy, universities and research organisations, hospitals, scientific associations and networks, researchers, public-private partnerships, industry and patient associations and other civil society organisations.

December 12-13 – Technical workshop on ‘Innovative Methodologies for Data Use and Management in Personalised Medicine Research’ 

In order to address the existing challenges in PM research and to help establish common methodologies, the EULAC PerMed project is organising technical workshops that will create a platform for sharing technical insight on existing and upcoming methodologies. The first workshop will take place on December 12-13, in Montevideo. It will focus on innovative methodologies for data use and management in PM research, exploring the development of data standards for improved interoperability, the integration of data from multiple sources and the methodologies for successful cohort integration, and the novelties in patient stratification methods. It will bring together speakers and participants from CELAC and EU countries. Fifty participants will be selected through an application-based process.

More information on all three events can be found at 

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